Renting Friendly Christmas Decorating Ideas

We've got some fun ideas to help you decorate without the need for any permanent markings as you create your own Christmas wonderland.

DIY Christmas vases

You can create your own decorations for Christmas by using things that you already have around the house. No doubt, you already own several boxes or ornaments and fairy lights. If you combine them with everyday items such as twigs, pinecones or candles in a mason jar, you can create beautiful arrangements that are unique and eye catching.

Decorating outside

There are many options these days for decorating the outside of your home with an extraordinary Christmas light display by using hooks and clips. If you have a front verandah, try stringing lights to it using cable ties. Also, you can decorate your lawn with lovely colours and beautiful lighting with solar lights.

Add some festivity to your table

Enchant your table by creating a festive centerpiece by adding foliage, faux flowers, tinted glass bowls and candles to your table. Why not set this up well in advance of the day and enjoy the festive feel it brings to your home.

Find creative ways to display ornaments

Don't limit decorations to the Christmas tree! Take stock of your home and look for creative places to drape tinsel or string up fairy lights. Great places to hang extra lights are window ledges, mantelpieces, curtain rods and even mirrors or artworks with bulky frames.

Decorate with Australian native flowers

Even the smallest of homes have room for flowers and Australian native flowers, like bright red bottlebrush, fiery Christmas bush and golden wattle, all feel effortlessly cheery which makes them perfect for creating Christmas displays.

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Source: On The Move

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